
2503 Power Analyzer – Options & Accessories

IEC61000-3-3 Flicker Analysis Capability

SKU: 2503-fCategories:

2503AH Power Analyzers are perfect for motor, lighting, power conversion and appliance test and development applications.

The 2503AH Analyzers measure power, voltage, and current up to 500 kHz with premier precision. Available parameters include V, A, W, Power Factor, Crest Factor, K Factor, THD, Harmonics, Phase, VA, VAR, W.Hr, Triplens, Impedance, Inrush, Mean-Peak Values, Efficiency- Loss, etc.

Vitrek power analysis instruments have set the standard for production testing. Independent channel control and unparalleled flexibility and speed have made the 2503AH-3CH the instrument of choice in 3-phase power analysis. The 2503AH-1CH/2CH offers cost effective solutions for single or two-phase application such as power supply and appliance testing.

Product Features and Benefits

  • 18-bit, 500 kHz sampling speed provides 0.05% basic accuracy
  • Ultrafast FFT’s per channel produce measurements in 10ms
  • 3000 V Peak, 50 Amp Peak measurable with internal shunt and optional internal Hall effect CTs*
  • Pre-configured for ballast, motor, power supply and appliance tests
  • Real-time, ultra-fast, harmonic analysis
  • Application Specific Configurations
  • External CT and PT capability ratio: 0.000001- 1000000 to 1, for A/V, A/A or V/V
  • Frequency Measurement: 500 μHz to 170kHz, 0.01% of reading
  • Measurement Period: User defined from 1 mSec to 27.8 hours
  • Watt, VA & VAR accuracy highest of V* Amp error or Amp* V error yields max. error for either Watts, VA, or VAR
  • Accumulation accuracy WHr, VAHr, AHr up to 9999.9 GWHr/GVAHr
  • Timing Accuracy: 0.01% + 10 mSec. start/stop error

Inputs are isolated from each other and ground for voltages up to 3000 Vpk

0.0015 mSec (low pass filter disabled)

User definable 5 Hz – 250 kHz, or disabled

Add 0.01%kHz for signal frequencies >5kHz, Filter rejection > 40 dB @ 3x selected filter frequency, current and voltage accuracy specifications apply for input signals <0.05x selected filter frequency HARMONIC & SPECTRUM ANALYSIS
Bandwidth: 0.001 Hz to 170 kHzMax.
Harmonic: 2047
Max FFT size: 4096 point complex FFT, Typical THD, harmonic and phase accuracy at line frequencies of 50/60 Hz
THD Accuracy: +/- 0.3%
Harmonic Accuracy: 0.03% of range
Phase Accuracy: 0.1o for freq., <5 kHz, linearly increasing to 5o @ 170 kHz POWER FACTOR ACCURACY
Approximately 0.001 for freq. 10kHz (5 kHz w/filter) increasing linearly to 0.01@200kHz (20kHz w/filter)

User may select fixed or autorange.
Voltage: 15-30-60-150-300-600-1200 Vrms
Current: Shunt: 0.05-0.1-0.2-0.5-1-2-5-10-20 Arms*
Int. CT: 7.5-15-30-60 Arms
Bypass:12.5-25-50-125-250-500 mV rms,1.25-2.5-5V rms
All ranges allow for up to 2.5X range peak

Better than 0.05% of range

DC Volts: 0.05% +/- 0.15% range +/- 50 mVDC
Amp: 0.05% +/- 0.15% range +/- 200 μA
AC Volts/Amp:
0.001Hz-10 kHz                  0.05%               10kHz-20kHz
0.10%20kHz-50kHz          0.33%                50kHz-100kHz
0.55%100kHz-200kHz     1.00%                 200khz-500kHz
For voltage add 0.05% of range + 20 mV
For internal shunt add 0.05% of range + 100 μA
For shunt bypass add 0.05% of range + 10 μV
Min input > 10% of range (1% with filter on)

0.05% of reading for freq. 40-400 Hz, and input >25% of range

DC Amp: 0.15% +/- 0.15%, range +/- 25mA
AC Amp: 0.1Hz-10kHz:   0.25%
10kHz-20kHz: 0.65%
20kHz-50kHz: 2.25%
For AC add 0.05% of range + 10 mA

Better than 2.5 at full scale input,linearly increasing to 250:1 at 1% of full scale. For max. inputs of 50 Apk, 3000 Vpk

Up to 3000 Vpk. Max slew rate 2500 V/uSec

Max 500 Amp peak via HALL effect CT*Max 15V peak using shunt bypass inputMax. 50 Amp peak using internal shunt

Power input: 85-265 Vrms autoselect, 40-400 Hz @ 100VA max
Size: 17.71” wide by 7” high by 14” deep
Weight: 28 lbs.
Operating range: 0°C to 50°C, <85% RH @ 40°C non-condensing Storage range: -30°C to 65ºC <95% RH @ 40°C non-condensing Configuration: Benchtop or optional 19”rack mount DIGITAL INTERFACES (standard)
IEEE488 (1), RS-232 (2), Parallel Printer

HA: High accuracy calibration 40-400Hz, 0.05% all parameters
HE 1CH: Internal Hall effect for single channel analyzer*
HE 2CH: Internal Hall effect for two channel analyzer*
HE 3CH: Internal Hall effect for three channel analyzer*
RE: 19” Rack Adapter

*Internal Hall effect CT options not available on CE market units

Two years

Ordering & Accessories

Below prices in US$ are for destinations in North America with terms of prepay, net 30 days (OAC) and accepted credit cards. For shipment beyond North America or terms beyond 30 days, please contact the factory for a quotation. If you require rush/expedited shipment please contact Vitrek at (858) 689-2755 or email info@vitrek.com

2503 Power Analyzer Units

2503 Power Analyzer Options & Accessories


Vitrek products and accessories are available for rent. Please contact the factory for a rental quotation on the items and period of time you desire. Vitrek offers a generous rental allowance for rentals that are converted to a purchase and rentals of 12 months come with a 10% buyout.


*900k, PDF – This guide contains details regarding the techniques used in the 2503 Power Analyzers to produce the measurement results.

*464k, RS232 LabView 6.0 – This application displays four parameters and optionally writes them to a log file. Source 744k and Documentation.doc (43k) are included in the zip.

*144k LabView 6.0 – Updated 7-23-01 – This application displays many parameters from a 3 channel analyzer.

*56k LabView 7.11 – This application allows the user to display current and voltage waveforms as measured by the 2503AH power analyzer as well as voltage and current harmonics bar charts.

*This is the IEC1000-2 and IEC1000-3 software that is supplied with the product.