Did You Know? GaGe RazorMax Express Digitizer/Oscilloscope: An Efficient & Cost-Effective Tool for High-Energy Physics Particle Counting Applications

Introduction Figure 1. Examples of photo-mulitiplier tubes, or PMTs (Photo courtesy of Hamamatsu). An important category of experimental physics is nuclear and particle physics, a near synonym for high-energy physics. A broad range of experiments in this domain are classed as scattering experiments in which an incident particle hits a target [...]

Article: High-Performance Digitizers in Semiconductor Manufacturing Applications

High-Performance Digitizers in Semiconductor Manufacturing Applications PC-based high-speed, high-resolution digitizers perform critical data acquisition functions during semiconductor fabrication, die packaging, and final chip testing. Introduction Data acquisition is a critical element of quality control and compliance testing during three stages of semiconductor manufacture. The first stage is fabrication, in which [...]

Video: GaGe Products for the Semiconductor Industry

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