Whitepaper: How to Work Safely with High-Voltage Test & Measurement Equipment

How to Work Safely with High-Voltage Test & Measurement Equipment Vitrek’s advanced 4700 High Voltage Meter and SmartProbes offer alternative to legacy approach to calibrating high-voltage systems. INTRODUCTION When working with high-voltage test and measurement equipment, electrical and test engineers strive to achieve the most precise [...]

White Paper: Hipot Testing of Military/Aerospace Interconnect Components

   Introduction Operational performance and safety are paramount concerns when determining the acceptability of a range of interconnection products in military and aerospace applications. Connectors and relays, wires, wire bundled into cables and harnesses, all must be tested against stringent standards. The number and range of these standards is [...]

White Paper: Precision Power Analyzers – August, 2019

   All the tools needed to study and optimize virtually any power project in a single instrument Introduction The design of any power conversion system requires the measurement of a large range of electrical parameters that could be made using a lab bench full of instruments. The precision power [...]

  • Vitrek_High Voltage Measurement WP front image

White Paper: High Accuracy, High Voltage Measurement – April, 2019

    Introduction One of the first principals learned as an engineering student is the “observer effect” which states that simply observing a situation or phenomenon necessarily changes that phenomenon. This is often the result of instruments that, by necessity, alter the state of what they measure in some manner. Accurate [...]

  • vitrek whitepaper fundamentals of electrical safety testing

White Paper: Fundamentals of Electrical Safety Testing

Whitepaper: Fundamentals of Electrical Safety Testing Part 1 - Functions & Features of Advanced Hipot Testers Introduction Electrical safety testers - often referred to as "hipot" testers - are an integral part of electrical and electronic equipment manufacturing. Hipot testers get their name from the high potential (high [...]

Whitepaper: What Defines Performance in High-Speed Digitizers

Introduction Today’s advanced, PC-based digitizers for high-speed data acquisition are necessary for myriad applications – ranging from signal analysis, lidar, ultrasound imaging and non-destructive testing, to communications, particle physics, mass spectroscopy and more. This [...]

Google Scholar

Visit and View "GaGe Digitizer" on Google Scholar Visit and View "GaGe Applied Technologies" on Google Scholar Google Scholar is a dedicated search site for scholarly literature that includes academic research papers, technical articles, [...]

  • Semiconductor Wafer Measurement

The Cost of Failing to Inspect Semiconductor Wafers

This is the second of three articles in Semiconductor Wafer Measurement for Increased Profitability. The first article in this series explains why disc geometry matters. The third article describes the benefits of using semi-automated, fully-automated, and manual systems for [...]

  • Types of Capacitance Probes

Measurements Using Capacitive Sensors

Capacitive sensors can be divided into two categories based upon their performance and intended use. High resolution sensors are typically used in displacement and position monitoring applications where high accuracy, stability and low temperature [...]

Capacitance Guide for Industrial Applications

Accumeasure Digital Capacitance System D Series Gen 3 View Product Capacitance Displacement and Gap Measurement Probes View Product Accumeasure Analog Capacitance System View Product Basic Principles [...]

Electronic & RF / Radio Frequency Noise

Electrical and RF noise appears in a wide variety of forms. Noise of this nature has a direct effect on electronic and radio frequencies. Electrical and RF will appear in all electronic and RF [...]