Whitepaper: How to Work Safely with High-Voltage Test & Measurement Equipment
How to Work Safely with High-Voltage Test & Measurement Equipment Vitrek’s advanced 4700 High Voltage Meter and SmartProbes offer alternative to legacy approach to calibrating high-voltage systems. INTRODUCTION When working with high-voltage test and measurement equipment, electrical and test engineers strive to achieve the most precise [...]
White Paper: High Performance Test Equipment Assures LED Lighting Products Comply with Industry Standards
Introduction Manufacturers and users of LED lighting applications need to be assured that their products will be qualified according to a multitude of reliability and efficiency standards. In addition to voluntary initiatives and programs like EnergyStar, mandatory standards and specifications for the lighting industry must be kept in [...]
White Paper: Hipot Testing of Military/Aerospace Interconnect Components
Introduction Operational performance and safety are paramount concerns when determining the acceptability of a range of interconnection products in military and aerospace applications. Connectors and relays, wires, wire bundled into cables and harnesses, all must be tested against stringent standards. The number and range of these standards is [...]
White Paper: Electrical Safety & Compliance Testing for Appliance & Consumer Product Manufacturers
Introduction Electrical appliances, computers and peripherals, power tools and other devices found in the home and office environments must be tested to confirm adherence to a plethora of stringent certification standards. The vast array of consumer devices for the home and office — from blenders and ovens to [...]
White Paper: Cable & Connector Test System Facilitates Multi-Point High Voltage/Current Testing
White Paper: Cable & Connector Test System Facilitates Multi-Point High Voltage/Current Testing Introduction Hipot testing is critical in assuring compliance with a host of electrical safety standards and in confirming the assembled product is free from electrical or mechanical defects. Hipot testers are used to measure leakage current and [...]
White Paper: Precision Power Analyzers – August, 2019
All the tools needed to study and optimize virtually any power project in a single instrument Introduction The design of any power conversion system requires the measurement of a large range of electrical parameters that could be made using a lab bench full of instruments. The precision power [...]
White Paper: High Accuracy, High Voltage Measurement – April, 2019
Introduction One of the first principals learned as an engineering student is the “observer effect” which states that simply observing a situation or phenomenon necessarily changes that phenomenon. This is often the result of instruments that, by necessity, alter the state of what they measure in some manner. Accurate [...]
White Paper: Fundamentals of Electrical Safety Testing
Whitepaper: Fundamentals of Electrical Safety Testing Part 1 - Functions & Features of Advanced Hipot Testers Introduction Electrical safety testers - often referred to as "hipot" testers - are an integral part of electrical and electronic equipment manufacturing. Hipot testers get their name from the high potential (high [...]

The Answer Vault: GaGe CompuScope Digitizers — Q & A with Dr. Andrew Dawson
Introduction This document explores the advanced features of GaGe CompuScope Digitizers in a variety of applications, featuring insights from Dr. Andrew Dawson. A seasoned physicist and leader, Dr. Dawson holds a Doctorate in experimental [...]
Did You Know? GaGe Digitizers in Military & Aerospace Applications
Introduction High-speed digitizers are indispensable tools in the military and aerospace industries, revolutionizing the way data is captured, processed, and analyzed. These advanced devices enable precise measurement and real-time monitoring of complex systems, from [...]
Did You Know? GaGe RazorMax Express Digitizer/Oscilloscope: An Efficient & Cost-Effective Tool for High-Energy Physics Particle Counting Applications
Introduction Figure 1. Examples of photo-mulitiplier tubes, or PMTs (Photo courtesy of Hamamatsu). An important category of experimental physics is nuclear and particle physics, a near synonym for high-energy physics. A [...]
Whitepaper: What Defines Performance in High-Speed Digitizers
Introduction Today’s advanced, PC-based digitizers for high-speed data acquisition are necessary for myriad applications – ranging from signal analysis, lidar, ultrasound imaging and non-destructive testing, to communications, particle physics, mass spectroscopy and more. This [...]
Article: High-Performance Digitizers in Semiconductor Manufacturing Applications
High-Performance Digitizers in Semiconductor Manufacturing Applications PC-based high-speed, high-resolution digitizers perform critical data acquisition functions during semiconductor fabrication, die packaging, and final chip testing. Introduction Data acquisition is a critical [...]
GaGe Whitepaper: Use of a PC-Based Digitizer in a Medical Acoustic Microscopy System
Use of a PC-Based Digitzer in a Medical Acoustic Microscopy System By Andrew Dawson, Ph. D-GaGe (a Vitrek brand) Introduction ABSTRACT: Construction of a medical [...]
GaGe Whitepaper: Ground-Breaking Lightning Study Uses GaGe Razor Express High-Speed Digitizer
Ground-Breaking Lightning Study Uses GaGe Razor Express High-Speed Digitizer By Gerald Allgaier, GaGe (a Vitrek brand) Introduction Razor Express digitizer is an integral part of [...]
GaGe Whitepaper: Wide Bandwidth Digitizer Provides Essential Data Processing in an Innovative Real-Time Channel Sounder for 5G Applications
Wide Bandwidth Digitizer Provides Essential Data Processing in an Innovative Real-Time Channel Sounder for 5G Applications By Gerald Allgaier, GaGe ( a Vitrek Brand) Introduction Orange Labs, the research & development division [...]
GaGe Whitepaper: Real-Time High-Speed Data Acquisition on PC-Based System Platforms
GaGe Whitepaper: Real-Time High-Speed Data Acquisition on PC-Based System Platforms By Gerald Allgaier, Systems Specialist and Bob Fitzgerald, Application Specialist - Vitrek For many measurements that require the capture [...]
GaGe White Paper: ENOB: The Best Digitizer Performance Metric
Introduction Figure 1. GaGe High-Speed Digitizers including PC Oscilloscope Software, powerful SDKs for custom application development and turnkey integrated PC-based measurement systems. While the nominal vertical resolution of a high-speed [...]
Google Scholar
Visit and View "GaGe Digitizer" on Google Scholar Visit and View "GaGe Applied Technologies" on Google Scholar Google Scholar is a dedicated search site for scholarly literature that includes academic research papers, technical articles, [...]

Case-In-Point: MTI Turbine Vibration Analyzer/Balancing System Technology Principles
What do you think when you’re flying home, cruising at 30,000 feet and the drinks have just been served? Our engineers think about the ripple in the glass. That ripple signals vibration and is an indication that the engine may be in need of a balance.
MTI Instruments Whitepaper: Capacitance Guide for Industrial Applications
Capacitance Guide for Industrial Applications This guide from MTI Instruments explains what you need to know about using electrical capacitance for measurement in industrial applications, including advanced manufacturing. Basic [...]
Whitepaper: Why Capacitance? Benefits and Applications of Digital Capacitive Sensors
Industry applications illustrate the versatility and benefits of today's digital capacitive sensor technology. The electrical capacitance formed between a capacitance probe and target surface varies as a function of the distance, or gap, between those two surfaces.
Whitepaper: Semiconductor Wafer Measurement for Increased Productivity
Semiconductor Wafer Measurement for Increased Productivity This three-part article describes how manufacturers leverage capacitance-based inspection systems for semiconductor wafers. The article reviews best-practices, consequences of failing to inspect semiconductor wafers [...]
The Cost of Failing to Inspect Semiconductor Wafers
This is the second of three articles in Semiconductor Wafer Measurement for Increased Profitability. The first article in this series explains why disc geometry matters. The third article describes the benefits of using semi-automated, fully-automated, and manual systems for [...]
Cable & Wire Troubleshooting Made Easy-Using the MTI 1510 Precision Signal Generator
Cable & Wire Troubleshooting Made Easy Using MTI Instruments 1510A Precision Signal/Function Generator Cable & Wire troubleshooting is important to identify and resolve problems with electrical or data transmission systems. Without proper [...]
Whitepaper: Three Vibration/Balancing Solutions for the Aviation Industry
Three Vibration/Balancing Solutions for the Aviation Industry MTI Instruments Offers a Variety of Solutions for Commercial, Regional & Military Jet Engine Balancing Applications Introduction Throughout the aviation industry, whether commercial or [...]
High Precision Portable Signal Generators and Calibrators: Everything You Need to Know
High precision portable signal generators are portable electronic devices that generate highly precise signals for testing, system calibration, sensor simulation, troubleshooting, and monitoring. Unlike the benchtop signal generators that are used in laboratories, these [...]
MTI Whitepaper: Easy Roller Gap Measurement Ensures Calendering Success
Easy Roller Gap Measurement Ensures Calendering Success Many roll-to-roll finishing processes typically use a calender, or series of hard pressure rollers, to deliver smooth, high-quality products of plastic, textile, or paper (Fig 1). Ensuring [...]
A Comprehensive Guide to Non-Contact Sensors and Their Applications
A Comprehensive Guide to Non-Contact Sensors and Their ApplicationsSensors, both contact and non-contact, are crucial devices that allow the monitoring, detection, and reaction to conditions in an environment or within a process or piece of [...]
Exploring the Different Types of Aircraft Vibrations
There are two main types of aircraft vibrations: normal and abnormal. Normal vibrations regularly occur when an airplane is in flight and during takeoff and landing. These oscillating or reciprocating motions do not indicate [...]
Measuring Brake Rotor Thickness Variation with Capacitive Sensing
Brake rotor thickness variation, or disc thickness variation (DTV), causes uneven wear to brake rotors, disc-shaped automotive parts that are squeezed between brake pads to slow or stop a vehicle’s wheels. When a brake rotor [...]
Measurements Using Capacitive Sensors
Capacitive sensors can be divided into two categories based upon their performance and intended use. High resolution sensors are typically used in displacement and position monitoring applications where high accuracy, stability and low temperature [...]
Capacitance Guide for Industrial Applications
Accumeasure Digital Capacitance System D Series Gen 3 View Product Capacitance Displacement and Gap Measurement Probes View Product Accumeasure Analog Capacitance System View Product Basic Principles [...]
Electronic & RF / Radio Frequency Noise
Electrical and RF noise appears in a wide variety of forms. Noise of this nature has a direct effect on electronic and radio frequencies. Electrical and RF will appear in all electronic and RF [...]