PAxx Power Analyzers using External Current Sensors: Application Notes

Current Sensors use two main techniques. A current transformer divides current. So for instance a 100:1 current transformer would see an input of 10A and output 100mA. Note that this technique is only useful for AC current. When using a current transformer you can directly input the current into one [...]

Whitepaper: What Defines Performance in High-Speed Digitizers

Introduction Today’s advanced, PC-based digitizers for high-speed data acquisition are necessary for myriad applications – ranging from signal analysis, lidar, ultrasound imaging and non-destructive testing, to communications, particle physics, mass spectroscopy and more. This [...]

Ultrasonic Tissue Characterization

Ultrasonic Tissue Characterization Customer Case This customer's application is Ultrasonic Tissue Characterization. Their ultrasonic sensors transmit 16 signals. The customer's requirement is to capture 512 points on the 16 channels, average them together, and [...]

Digitizing Ultrasonic Signals

Digitizing Ultrasonic Signals Customer Case The customer has an ultrasonic signal that he wants to digitize with either 8 or 12-bit resolution. The sampling rate required for this application is a minimum of 16 [...]

Digital Ultrasonic Array Data Capture

Digital Ultrasonic Array Data Capture Customer Case A customer possesses a commercial medical diagnostic ultrasonic system. The ultrasonic sensing head consists of an ultrasonic generator transducer and an 8' x 8' two-dimensional array of [...]

Arbitrary Ultrasonic Generator

Arbitrary Ultrasonic Generator Customer Case Ultrasonic generation pulses must be varied to accommodate different types of ultrasonic transducers. General-purpose highly damped contact transducers are usually excited by a wideband, spike-like pulse that is provided [...]

Pipeline Testing

Pipeline Testing Customer Case The customer wants to test pipelines for corrosion and cracks. They intend to use a small robot which they can send into the pipeline. This robot's purpose is to test [...]

Vibration Test Equipment Instrument Grade Chassis

Vibration Test Equipment Instrument Grade Chassis Customer Case The customer is in the business of building Vibration Test equipment for semiconductor, automotive and aerospace industries. Their product is currently housed in Industrial Grade PCs [...]

Non-Destructive Testing (NDT)

Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) Customer Case This customer manufactures non-destructive test equipment which allows customers such as steel mills to test the quality of their end-products. Presently, the ultrasound frequencies being used are centered at [...]

Acoustic Micro-Imaging

Acoustic Micro-Imaging Customer Case The customer is a leader in the field of acoustic micro-imaging. They use pulse ultrasound to image non-human materials. The ultrasound frequency used is between 100 and 200 MHz, as [...]

Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) Scanning Inspection

Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) Scanning Inspection Customer Case The customer is testing interior of pipes with time-resolved fluorescence, a Photo Multiplier Tube (PMT), a transducer with 8 MHz BandWidth and an integration chamber. They are [...]

Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) for Steel Manufacturing

Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) for Steel Manufacturing Customer Case The customer is a custom-built contractor of Non-Destructive Test (NDT) instruments for steel manufacturing. NDT uses ultrasonic pulses to scan through thick sheets of metals for [...]

Galvannealing Phosphor Thermometry

Galvannealing Phosphor Thermometry Customer Case During the process of galvanizing, steel is dipped in a bath of liquid tin to increase its resistance to oxidation and moisture. After galvanizing, a precise heat treatment allows [...]

Machine Tools Characterization

Machine Tools Characterization Customer Case This customer is involved in characterizing machine tools. In order to do this, they need five simultaneous channels capturing 12-bit samples at 50 KSPS, with a 20 us sample [...]

Pulsed Electric Field Food Processing

Pulsed Electric Field Food Processing Customer Case Pulsed Electric Field Food Processing is a continuous food processing system in which beverages (with a known conductivity) are pumped through a chamber containing an electrode. Pulses [...]

Electrical Cable Testing

Electrical Cable Testing Customer Case The customer needs to test, certify, and troubleshoot electrical cable that is used on-board Navy ships. They must test and isolate for cross-talk signal distortion as well as other [...]

Monitoring Critical Variables

Monitoring Critical Variables Customer Case The customer wanted a quick visual inspection of many readings of slow varying parameters. Readings of pressure, temperature and voltages had to be compared with reference values and the [...]

Plasma Coating of Airplane Parts

Plasma Coating of Airplane Parts Customer Case The customer produces plasma coating for airplane parts. They need to count the number of plasma particles on these parts so that they can adjust the plasma [...]

Gas Turbine Monitoring

Gas Turbine Monitoring Customer Case A customer who designs and develops turbo-machinery uses automated data-acquisition and reduction routines. The complete system can sequentially scan up to 144 pressures, 40 electrical signals, and 50 temperatures. [...]

Avionics Bus Monitoring

Avionics Bus Monitoring Customer Case The requirement is to monitor anomalies on an avionics bus that controls systems aboard spacecrafts. The customer will know typical rise times, and therefore, will look for anomalous high-voltage [...]

Nuclear Reactor Tube Testing

Nuclear Reactor Tube Testing Customer Case The customer needs to test specialized alloy tubing used to carry water within a nuclear reactor for possible damage. This tubing is located in a closed area where [...]

Radar Altimeter

Radar Altimeter Customer Case In this RADAR application the customer has pulses coming in at 1660 Hz. For every pulse they need to capture 500 samples which, at that rate, will amount to 1.7 [...]

Ultra High-Speed Radar

Ultra High-Speed Radar Customer Case This application requires the acquisition of very fast analog signals at relatively slow sample rates for a long period of time. In other words, the input bandwidth requirement is [...]

Interfacing to Offset IF Radar Altimeter

Interfacing to Offset IF Radar Altimeter Customer Case The customer is using an offset IF radar to map forest terrain density. The equipment will be mounted in an aircraft, which will also be carrying [...]

Trigger Out Modification for CP500 Class Boards

Trigger Out Modification for CP500 Class Boards Customer Case Many A/D applications including Ultrasonics, Radar, Lidar, Hard Disk testing and CCD capture require maximal synchronicity between a trigger and the sampling clock. GaGe Case [...]

Phase Conjugate Sonar

Phase Conjugate Sonar Customer Case Dissipationless physical systems, such as simple planetary motion or a swinging pendulum, exhibit time-reversal invariance. This means that if time were reversed the way a film projector can be, [...]

Acoustic Engineering with Stimulus Response System

Acoustic Engineering with Stimulus Response System Customer Case The performance of music without electrical amplification requires precise acoustic engineering of its venues. A customer advises concerning large-scale renovations to existing cathedrals, concert halls and [...]

Ozone Profiling Lidar System

Ozone Profiling Lidar System Customer Case The customer is designing an ozone-profiling lidar system for measuring the concentration of ozone from ground level up to about 4 kilometer (km) altitude. The system operates in [...]

High-Spatial Resolution Lidar

High-Spatial Resolution Lidar Customer Case In Lidar, which is Laser Radar, spatial resolution is limited by the laser pulse width. This customer's laser pulse width is 3.5 ns. The total range interrogated by the [...]

Ozone Profiling

Ozone Profiling Customer Case Ozone profiling involves many averaging operations, which makes it very difficult to obtain the results immediately. There can be a delay of many days before a reliable reading is dispatched, [...]

Radar Waveform Sampling & Processing

Radar Waveform Sampling & Processing Customer Case A customer involved in Naval Research needed to sample and process radar waveforms, to be used as reference in their lab. They were looking at implementing a [...]

Polar Ice Thickness Measurements

Polar Ice Thickness Measurements Customer Case The customer is an academic researcher in climate change. He wants to record the depth of the permafrost ice sheets in the arctic regions of Canada, Greenland and [...]

Storm Watch / Tornado Radar

Storm Watch / Tornado Radar Customer Case On average, the United States experiences 100,000 thunderstorms each year, causing about 1,000 tornadoes. The customer is trying to determine what meteorological conditions enable a large rotating [...]

Atmospheric Remote Sensing

Atmospheric Remote Sensing Customer Case The customer requires a combination of hardware and software ("data system") to do live update sampling, processing, display, and archival of atmospheric measurements using an airborne Lidar system. This [...]

Nuclear Decay Experiment

Nuclear Decay Experiment Customer Case A customer wants to measure nuclear decay rates of various radioactive isotopes. With each nuclear decay, the isotope under study simultaneously emits a beta particle, which is a high-speed [...]

Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) Experiment

Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) Experiment Customer Case A customer has an Electronic Spin Resonance (ESR) experiment. ESR is based on the fact that the magnetic moment of an electron precesses in an applied magnetic [...]

Nuclear Ion Testing

Nuclear Ion Testing Customer Case This customer is involved in nuclear ion testing. The pulse amplitudes of nuclear ions from a detector must be measured and sorted into a histogram, which will show the [...]

Alpha Particle Counting

Alpha Particle Counting Customer Case A customer has to characterize a new design for a solid state alpha particle detector. The detector is essentially a silicon diode with a large area face. Because alpha [...]

Nuclear Particle Location

Nuclear Particle Location Customer Case The customer studies nuclear particles traveling in an electrically charged medium. The particles emit two types of short 53 MHz signal bursts. The first type lasts for 1.6 ms, [...]

Neutrino Detection System

Neutrino Detection System Customer Case Neutrinos are tiny (possibly massless) neutral elementary particles which interact with matter via the weak nuclear force. The weakness of the weak force gives neutrinos the property that matter [...]

Radioactive Nuclear-Decay Detection

Radioactive Nuclear-Decay Detection Customer Case The customer has a requirement for PC-based waveform digitizer cards to digitize shaped pulses derived from nuclear-decay detectors. These pulses vary in their rate (frequency of occurrence) and amplitude. [...]

Neutrinos Study

Neutrinos Study Customer Case Neutrinos are said to be the most elusive and exotic particles in the universe. They are tiny neutral elementary particles that interact with matter via the weak nuclear force. Scientists [...]

Time Resolved Spectroscopy of Protein Crystals

Time Resolved Spectroscopy of Protein Crystals Customer Case The customer is involved in Time Resolved Spectroscopy of protein crystals. This involves shooting a laser onto the protein crystals and measuring the pulses generated by [...]

Hyper Remote Laser Sensor

Hyper Remote Laser Sensor Customer Case The customer is at the prototype stage for building a hyper remote sensor which will fly over the ocean and be able to see 100 to 200 feet [...]

Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF)

Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF) Customer Case A customer has developed a breakthrough technique for the application of laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) detection to high performance liquid chromatography, capillary e lectrophoresis, sequencing and microbial analysis. The [...]

Optical Spectroscopy

Optical Spectroscopy Customer Case A customer who is completing his doctorate in Chemistry at the California Institute of Technology has identified the need to measure fast optical signals using fast photo-detectors. The signal pulse [...]

Kinetics of Protein Dynamics

Kinetics of Preotein Dynamics Customer Case The customer is measuring kinetics of protein dynamics with a time scale of between a few nanoseconds and about a hundred milliseconds. The customer's two response signals occur [...]

Laser Spectroscopy

Laser Spectroscopy Customer Case An academic researcher is studying the attenuation properties of different materials inside Laser cavities for applications in Laser Spectroscopy. The Laser pulses are generated by one Laser, and are then [...]

Laser Transient Absorption Spectroscopy

Laser Transient Absorption Spectroscopy Customer Case The customer's setup is a scientific application in which transient signals from a Laser Absorption Spectroscope are transferred to a computer. The laser power is modified in steps [...]

Laser Scanning for Eye Diseases

Laser Scanning for Eye Diseases Customer Case In scanning for non-ablative eye diseases, the customer has a requirement for high vertical resolution while remaining cost effective. By shooting a low-powered laser into the eye [...]

Echocardiography Experiment

Echocardiography Experiment Customer Case This customer is involved in an Echocardiography experiment. The customer already has an ultrasound imager with a built-in A/D converter which can output 12-bit image data which must be analyzed [...]

Ultrasound Imaging

Ultrasound Imaging Customer Case This customer's application involves capturing ultrasound echoes from a medical imaging system, to be used in bedside monitors, defibrillators, intervascular ultrasound, ECG, etc. The live imaging rate is 30 frames [...]

Ultrasonic Imaging

Ultrasonic Imaging Customer Case The customer is digitizing signals returned from an ultrasonic transducer used in the study of cardiac phenomena. At the moment, a 5 MHz transducer is being used, but the customer [...]

Ultrasound Tissue Imaging

Ultrasound Tissue Imaging Customer Case This customer is building a system to be used as a test station for examining human tissue for disease. Diseased organs differ from healthy organs in ways that can [...]

Ultrasonic Medical Imaging System

Ultrasonic Medical Imaging System Customer Case A customer wants to construct an ultrasonic medical imaging system based on a transducer array. A central ultrasonic generation transducer generates a burst of ultrasonic energy which travels [...]

Intra-Vascular Ultrasound

Intra-Vascular Ultrasound Customer Case The customer does intra-vascular diagnostic ultrasound. In this novel technique, an ultrasonic catheter is guided through a patient's blood vessel. Throughout its helical or corkscrew-like path, the ultrasonic transducer-tipped catheter [...]

Deep Capture of Medical Sonography Signals

Deep Capture of Medical Sonography Signals Customer Case Medical sonography refers to the use of reflected ultrasonic echoes to image a patient's internal organs. A customer has a commercial medical diagnostic ultrasound system. During [...]

Laser Scanning Microscope Interface

Laser Scanning Microscope Interface Customer Case This customer needs to interface a scanning laser microscope to their PC so that image data can be acquired and stored. Data is received from the laser microscope [...]


The following example case studies demonstrate how GaGe products and services have been successfully applied in various data acquisition medical applications. We encourage you to contact us and discuss your application in more detail [...]

Image Acquisition of Three Analog Cameras

Image Acquisition of Three Analog Cameras Customer Case The customer is using three independent cameras made by Cidtec. These cameras provide an analog output as well as a pixel clock (of up to 10 [...]

Charge-Couple Device (CCD) Data Capture

Charge-Couple Device (CCD) Data Capture Customer Case The client is involved in developing a charge-couple device (CCD) based system to function as an imaging spectrometer. The spectrometer will image 5x5 mm squares that will [...]

Cable TV Testing

Cable TV Testing Customer Case The customer is building a cable TV test instrument which will allow the service provider to monitor and troubleshoot the cable TV network. There are approximately 9,000 cable providers [...]

High-Speed Digitization of Video Signals

High-Speed Digitization of Video Signals Customer Case The customer is involved in a radar experiment requiring 12-bit digitization of two incoming video signals of approximately 250 KHz bandwidth. In order to get good time [...]

Laser Signals Striking Silicon-Diode Target

Laser Signals Striking Silicon-Diode Target Customer Case The customer wants to capture the output of some silicon diodes looking at a laser target. The typical signal is anywhere from 20mv to 1V in amplitude [...]

Optical Scanning of Drive Media

Optical Scanning of Drive Media Customer Case The customer's application is optical scanning for drive testing. The goal is to identify burnt or damaged spots on the disk. The scanning system is generally used [...]

Disk Drive Track Scanning

Disk Drive Track Scanning Customer Case The customer is trying to digitize an 83 millisecond long signal coming out of a disk mounted on a rotary motor. This corresponds to one full revolution of [...]

Print Head Testing

Print Head Testing Customer Case The customer's task is to develop a system that is capable of driving and testing a prototype printhead. Because they work in R&D, requirements are constantly changing and therefore [...]

MEMS-Based High Throughput Screening

MEMS-Based High Throughput Screening Customer Case The customer needs to do frequency analysis to determine the resonant frequency of an oscillating micro-fabricated device. They will use a Laser Doppler Vibrometer to monitor the physical [...]

Automatic Accelerometer Calibration System

Automatic Accelerometer Calibration System Customer Case The customer's Automated Accelerometer Calibration System provides NIST traceable calibration of most accelerometer types, whether self-generating piezo-electric or accelerometers requiring current or voltage excitation. The output of the [...]

Satellite Down Line Converter

Satellite Down Line Converter Customer Case A customer needs to capture incoming satellite communication signals at a ground-based receiver. After analog demodulation and amplification, the signal is digitized by two 12-bit ADC chips clocked [...]

Treadmill Power Glitch Monitoring

Treadmill Power Glitch Monitoring Customer Case A customer develops gym equipment such as treadmills. The requirement is for an inexpensive way to monitor voltage signals for long periods of time. The treadmills are controlled [...]

Digital I/O ASIC Testing

Digital I/O ASIC Testing Customer Case A customer needs to generate stimulus to test his Application Specific Integrated Circuits and to capture response from that ASIC. The stimulus definition exists as an ASCII file [...]

Network Integrated Circuit (IC) Testing

Network Integrated Circuit (IC) Testing Customer Case A customer makes Integrated Circuit (IC) chips that are used in home network systems. These systems can communicate with many different electronic devices by using the standard [...]

Automotive Engine Controller Monitoring

Automotive Engine Controller Monitoring Customer Case The customer is a major electronics manufacturer who wants to find a cost effective replacement to VXI digitizers in testing automotive engine control signals. The requirement is for [...]

Fiber Optic Automated Measurement System

Fiber Optic Automated Measurement System Customer Case The customer is in the business of developing lasers and LED components for fiber optic data \ telecommunications applications. The requirement is for an automated test system [...]

Digital ASIC Device Testing

Digital ASIC Device Testing Customer Case The customer wants to test the design of their ASIC devices. To test their IC, they need to stimulate the IC with a particular bit-pattern many times. They [...]

Google Scholar

Visit and View "GaGe Digitizer" on Google Scholar Visit and View "GaGe Applied Technologies" on Google Scholar Google Scholar is a dedicated search site for scholarly literature that includes academic research papers, technical articles, [...]

GaGe on Google Scholar

Visit and View "GaGe Digitizer" on Google Scholar Visit and View "GaGe Applied Technologies" on Google Scholar Google Scholar is a dedicated search site for scholarly literature that includes academic research papers, technical articles, [...]

High-Speed Digitizer Advantages

GaGe is a worldwide industry leader in high speed data acquisition solutions featuring a portfolio of the highest performance digitizers, PC oscilloscope and spectrum analayzer software, powerful SDKs for custom application development, and turnkey integrated [...]

  • Semiconductor Wafer Measurement

The Cost of Failing to Inspect Semiconductor Wafers

This is the second of three articles in Semiconductor Wafer Measurement for Increased Profitability. The first article in this series explains why disc geometry matters. The third article describes the benefits of using semi-automated, fully-automated, and manual systems for [...]

  • 01 - 1510A-with-case

Signal Generator Calibrates Strain Gauge Electronics

Signal Generator Calibrates Strain Gauge Electronics Industrial, Automotive, Transportation, Research & Development, Civil Engineering Calibration of Strain Gauge Electronics Amplitude; Bending, Tensile & Compression Description [...]

  • Alternating magnetic field and eddy currents

Signal Generator Simulates Eddy Current Probe

Signal Generator Simulates Eddy Current Probe Industrial, Power Generation, Automotive, Power Generation, R& D, Solar Simulation of Eddy Current Probe Gap, Amplitude, Displacement, Positioning, Thickness Description [...]

  • coplanarity

Capacitance Sensors Facilitate 3D IC Construction

Capacitance Sensors Facilitate 3D IC Construction Semiconductor, Research & Development 3D IC Construction Distance, Positioning, Displacement Description [Application Note 70518] To boost device performance, today's [...]

  • Setup for Semiconductor Wafer Lapping and Displacement Measurement

Semiconductor Wafer Lapping and Displacement Measurement

Semiconductor Wafer Lapping and Displacement Measurement Semiconductor Semiconductor Wafer Manufacturing Displacement Description Semiconductor Wafer Lapping and Displacement Measurement This application note explains how MTI's Accumeasure [...]

  • 11 - material-calibration

led substrate sapphire thickness

N/A led substrate sapphire thickness Displacement Remember that old acronym, GIGO?  Garbage in garbage out, it can apply to raw materials as well as programming. Sapphire wafers need to be [...]

Dynamic Measurement of Armature Gaps

Introduction In large motors and generators, the air gap needed to separate the revolving rotor from the stator should be as small as possible. This reduces the magnetizing power requirement which needs to be large [...]

  • Mikrotrak Lasers set up to measure thickness of extruded sheet metal

Thickness Information of Composite Materials

Thickness Information of Composite Materials Industrial Thickness Information Of Composite Materials Thickness Description Introduction: Composite materials consist of two or more materials which include a [...]

  • MTI Charge Amplifier

Ideal Charge Amplifier for Piezo Electric Transducers

Ideal Charge Amplifier for Piezo Electric Transducers Aviation (Turbine Engines), Automotive Research and Development, Industrial Manufacturing Vibration Monitoring: Turbine Engines; Vehicle Testing Pressure Monitoring: Combustion Engines; Pumps, Turbines [...]

Vibration and Balancing Systems: The Spectrum Plot

The Spectrum Plot: Types of Aircraft Vibration One of the least understood features of the PBS series of vibration analyzers is the spectrum function. The spectrum functionality is a more difficult function to understand, [...]

  • opposing probes in a fixture

Capacitance Sensors Track Brake Rotor Thickness Variation

Capacitance Sensors Track Brake Rotor Thickness Variation Automotive, Aviation/Aerospace Brake Rotor Testing & Manufacturing Displacement, Amplitude Description [Application Note 51018]Today’s cars and trucks offer unprecedented fuel [...]

  • Illustration of Capacitance Probe above grounded conductor with air gap and insulator in between

Thickness Measurement of Dielectric Materials

Thickness Measurement of Dielectric Materials Manufacturing EV Battery Production Thickness, Distance --- Description --- Introduction Many applications, both in manufacturing and research, require precise material thickness [...]

  • Manufacturing facility rollers

Monitor Roller Gaps and Parallelism

Monitor Roller Gaps and Parallelism Industrial Printing, Calendering, Crushing Gap Easy Roller Gap Measurement Ensures Calendering Success Many roll-to-roll finishing processes typically use [...]

  • 08 - mti-2100

Displacement Measurement by Fiber Optics

Displacement Measurement by Fiber Optics Semiconductor, Research & Development 3D IC Construction Displacement, Vibration Description The Fotonic™ Sensor is a non-contact instrument which uses the [...]

  • 11 - 2D_tiretread

Tire Tread Measurement with 2D Laser

Tire Tread Measurement with 2D Laser Automotive Tire Tread Measurement with 2D Laser Depth Description To ensure customer safety and extend product life, tire manufacturers [...]

  • Wind Turbines

Gap Monitor Keeps Wind Turbines Running

Gap Monitor Keeps Wind Turbines Running Power Generation Wind Turbine Gap Monitoring Distance, Gap, Tolerance Description [Application Note 21218] Wind turbine production has been steadily [...]

Wafer Characterization

Semiconductor Wafer Characterization Surface Description Thickness Measurement ASTM F657: The distance through a wafer between corresponding points on the front and back surface. Thickness [...]

  • Sensor

In-Situ Particle Detection

In-Situ Particle Detection Research & Development In-Situ Particle Detection Presence/Absence Description Introduction:  Foreign particles in food stuffs, plant produce, grains, etc. can lead to customer [...]

  • Stainless Steel Tube

Nuclear Heat Exchanger Vibration

Nuclear Heat Exchanger Vibration Power Generation Nuclear Heat Exchanger Vibration Amplitude Description Introduction: Power plants, particularly nuclear power plants, require heat exchangers to cool down [...]

  • Grey Block

Solenoid Door Latches

Solenoid Door Latches Aviation/ Aerospace Solenoid Door Latches Displacement Description A key supplier to the aerospace industry who manufactures many types of solenoid door latches [...]

  • View of software scan pattern for silicon wafer measurement

Brake Rotors

Brake Rotors Automotive Brake Rotors Surface Description Introduction Under normal operating conditions brake rotors are subjected to extreme temperatures and forces, which can cause rotor distortion [...]

  • Tire Tread

Tire Tread Measurement

Tire Tread Measurement Automotive Tire Tread Inspection Depth Description Tire manufacturers and Used Tire Reuse Centers want to satisfy their customers, and protect themselves from [...]

  • Manufacturing

Piezoelectric Device Amplitude

Piezoelectric Device Amplitude Research & Development Piezoceramic, 1-3 Pzt / Polymer Composite And Pvdf Film Amplitude Description Measuring Piezoelectric device amplitude including piezoceramic, 1-3 PZT/polymer [...]

  • Manufacturing

Angle Measurement And Monitoring

Angle Measurement And Monitoring Industrial Angle Measurement And Monitoring Robot Guide Description Introduction So what do sheet metal, speakers, and wine bottles all have in common? [...]

  • Ceramic Sheets

Piezoelectric Stack Motion

Piezoelectric Stack Motion Research & Development Piezoelectric Stack Motion Displacement Description Fotonic sensors are ideal for making dynamic measurement of very small oscillatory motions. Using the [...]

  • Wafer Measurements

Thickness and TTV of Semiconducting Wafers

Thickness and TTV of Semiconducting Wafers Semiconductor Thickness And TTV Of Semiconducting Wafers Thickness Description Introduction:  Silicon wafers are ordinarily highly conductive and easy to [...]

  • Microchip

Lithography Optics Position Focus

Lithography Optics Position Focus Semiconductor Lithography Optics Position Focus Positioning Description One specific area where capacitance systems excel is high resolution focusing of complex lens [...]

  • 08 - camera-shield.jpg

Camera Shield Measurement

Camera Shield Measurement Consumer Electronics Camera shield measurement Surface Equipment Setup Equipment Used DTS-25-04 laser head Rotary Stage PC with Digital Microtrak Basic Support software [...]

  • Paving Roller

Road Surface Quality

Road Surface Quality Transportation Road Surface Quality Surface Description Introduction Various Departments of Transportation (DOTs), both nationally and internationally, are developing and incorporating automated road [...]

  • Motor

Tolerances of Armature Gaps

Tolerances of Armature Gaps Power Generation Tolerances Of Armature Gaps Tolerances Description Introduction In large motors and generators, the air gap needed to separate the [...]

  • Drill Heads

Ultrasonic Horn Vibration

Ultrasonic Horn Vibration Research & Development Ultrasonic Horn Vibration Amplitude Description An "ultrasonic horn" is the device which concentrates this energy and applies it to [...]

  • Microtrak 4

DC Motor / Commutator Bar

DC Motor / Commutator Bar Industrial Dc Motor / Commutator Bar Depth Description Using a MTI Microtrak 4 laser triangulation sensor to measure a DC [...]

  • Sheet Rock

Cement Board Quality Control

Cement Board Quality Control Industrial Cement Board Quality Control Dimensions Description Introduction: Cement backer board is used as underlayment for tile floors, walls and counter [...]

  • structure of inlet and die lip

Extruder Die Flatness

Extruder Die Flatness Industrial Extruder Die Flatness Thickness Description Introduction: Extruder dies have a flatness specification that must be maintained or the parts being extruded [...]

  • Manufacturing Sensor

Powdered Metal Level

Powdered Metal Level Industrial Powdered Metal Level Level Description Many precision and no-precision metal parts are made from powdered metal. The metal may be placed in [...]

  • Grey Block

Ice Detection

Ice Detection Industrial Ice Detection Presence/Absence Description Introduction:  Ships take in water from outside the hull to cool the engines and other auxiliary equipment. The [...]

  • Concrete Bricks

Fill Height Of Construction Blocks

Fill Height Of Construction Blocks Industrial Fill Height Of Construction Blocks Dimensions Description Introduction: When you construct a concrete block wall, the dimensions of the [...]

  • Manufacturing

Windshield Manufacturing

Windshield Manufacturing Automotive Windshield Manufacturing Tolerances Description In order to maintain proper profile and thickness within a glass furnace the extrusion plate spacing must be [...]

  • Turbine Blades

Blade Tip Clearance

Blade Tip Clearance Power Generation Blade Tip Clearance Tolerances Description Introduction Large turbines are periodically torn down, inspected, and rebuilt. Turbine blade clearance to the [...]

  • Computer Motherboard

Electronics Parts Profiling

Electronics Parts Profiling Consumer Electronics Electronics Parts Profiling Thickness Description MTI's 2D laser sensors can be used to scan 3D profiles of items such as [...]

  • Manufacturing

Glass Thickness

Glass Thickness Consumer Electronics Glass Thickness Thickness Description Did you know that glass thickness can be measured with a capacitance probe? You will need some [...]

  • Power Box

Piezo Stage Positioning

Piezo Stage Positioning Consumer Electronics Piezo Stage Positioning Description Positioning stages using piezoelectric stack actuators (PEA) have very high resolution. However, it is difficult to [...]

Thread Checking

Automotive Thread Checking Presence/Absence Description Manual thread inspection is slow, not always reliable and tedious for the inspector. Manufacturers have struggled to come up [...]

  • Press

Spindle Run Out

Spindle Run Out Automotive Spindle Run Out Distance Description Rotating targets frequently have an intermittent, uncertain or nonexistent ground path. This introduces unwanted noise, instability, [...]

  • Manufacturing

Grinding Process

Grinding Process Automotive Grinding Process Surface Description A cylindrical grinding process finishes most wheel spindle surfaces. It is essential that this grinding process leave a [...]

  • Oil in liquid

Oil Film Thickness Measurement

Oil Film Thickness Measurement Automotive Oil Film Level Description A top marine engine manufacturer commissioned MTI Instruments to design and manufacture a non-contact sensor to [...]

  • Nut

Brake Rotors Thickness Variation

Brake Rotors Thickness Variation Automotive Brake Rotors Thickness Variation Surface Description Introduction Driving cross country or cross town, we give little thought to the operation or [...]

  • Fan

Torque Converter

Torque Converter Automotive Torque Converter Surface Description Since minute defects in the torque converter casing wall thickness can result in unacceptable and dangerous torque converter [...]

  • 270-958

Wafer Measurement – Ungrounded

Wafer Measurement - Ungrounded Semiconductor Wafer Measurement - Ungrounded Metrology Description MTI Instruments Inc. has developed a thickness measurement device that eliminates the effect of [...]

Wafer Thickness, Bow, Warp And TTV

Semiconductor Wafer Thickness, Bow, Warp And Ttv Surface Description Thickness Measurement ASTM F657: The distance through a wafer between corresponding points on the front [...]

  • Manufacturing

Thermal Expansion On Automobile Engine

Thermal Expansion On Automobile Engine Automotive Thermal Expansion On Automobile Engine Dimensions Description For years the sole purpose of the oil pan was to act [...]

  • Conveyor Belt

Tape Cartridge Movement

Tape Cartridge Movement Semiconductor Tape Cartridge Movement Positioning Description Researchers are presently working on drives with track widths in the 5 to 1 micron region. For [...]

  • Cutouts

Wafer QA/QC After Slicing And Polishing

Wafer QA/QC After Slicing And Polishing Semiconductor Wafer Qa/Qc After Slicing And Polishing Surface Description Introduction: When wafers are sliced up with wire saws, they are [...]

  • Manufacturing

Sheet Metal Monitoring

Sheet Metal Monitoring Automotive Sheet Metal Monitoring Thickness Description Introduction: When sheet metal is formed in a continuous process it needs monitoring during the actual [...]

  • Manufacturing

Height Gap Of Inkjet Printers

Height Gap Of Inkjet Printers Consumer Electronics Height Gap Of Inkjet Printers Positioning Description Introduction:  Inkjet printers require a certain distance between the inkjet print [...]

  • Circuit Board

Wire Bonding

Wire Bonding Semiconductor Wire Bonding Level Description Introduction:  Machine automation frequently involves measuring small distances extremely accurately. Wire Bonding is one such application with some challenging [...]

  • Stack of black discs

GaAs Substrate Thickness Measurement

GaAs Substrate Thickness Measurement Semiconductor Gaas Substrate Thickness Measurement Thickness Description Measuring Thickness of Wafers with Different Chemistries Introduction:  Silicon wafers are ordinarily highly conductive [...]

  • Microchips

Photolithography Using Capacitance Sensors

Photolithography Using Capacitance Sensors Semiconductor Photolithography Using Capacitance Sensors Positioning Description When it comes to photolithography, how accurate are our sensors? Accurate enough to measure [...]

  • Silicon Carbide Wafer Demand is High

About Wafer Bow And Warp Measurement Systems

Semiconductor/Solar Wafer Bow And Warp Metrology/Surface About Wafer Bow And Warp Measurement Systems Thickness Measurement for Metrology Systems ASTM F657: The distance through a wafer between [...]

Improving Performance of Gas Compressors

Improving Performance of Gas Compressors Customer Case A customer who is a manufacturer of natural gas compressors is seeking to improve the efficiency of their 12-cylinder diesel engines. These diesel engines are used to [...]


Tire manufacturers wants to satisfy their customers, and protect themselves from liabilities, manufacturers are moving to 100% tire inspection for defects and abnormalities. Defects not only cause potential safety issues but they can also [...]


Industry Automotive Applications Torque Converter Measurement Type Surface Description Since minute defects in the torque converter casing wall thickness can result in unacceptable and [...]


[Application Note 11718] One of the primary concerns in large generator design is vibration. Excessive vibration can lead to premature breakdown of insulation and other materials, ultimately resulting in early failure of the generator [...]


Cement backer board is used as underlayment for tile floors, walls and counter tops. It is also used as exterior sheathing and in exterior stucco systems. Cement backer board has proven to be more durable [...]


[Application Note 51018]Today’s cars and trucks offer unprecedented fuel efficiencies and handling characteristics – thanks, in part, to vehicle lightweighting. Applied to all vehicle components, lightweighting lowers stress and strain to improve mileage and boost [...]


[Application Note 70518] To boost device performance, today’s semiconductor and microelectronics manufacturers are building three-dimensional integrated circuits featuring vertically-stacked silicon wafers and dies. The rationale is simple. Exploiting the Z-axis avoids the power and [...]


Equipment Setup Equipment Used DTS-25-04 laser head Rotary Stage PC with Digital Microtrak Basic Support software Setup Power is automatic mode. Filter is 100Hz Sample rate is 1000 samples sec The head was operated [...]


Easy Roller Gap Measurement Ensures Calendering Success Many roll-to-roll finishing processes typically use a calender, or series of hard pressure rollers, to deliver smooth, high-quality products of plastic, textile, or paper (Fig 1). Ensuring [...]


If you are looking for high quality, reliable precision laser measurement tools and devices then you are in the right place. MTI Instruments is a manufacturer of precision tools, systems and solutions for clients [...]

Windshield Manufacturing

Industry Automotive Applications Oil Film Measurement Type Level Description In order to maintain proper profile and thickness within a glass furnace the extrusion plate [...]


A cylindrical grinding process finishes most wheel spindle surfaces. It is essential that this grinding process leave a surface finish that is smooth and free of defects with minimal runout. No grinder produces a [...]

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Industry Automotive Applications Brake Rotors Thickness Variation Measurement Type Surface Description Driving cross country or cross town, we give little thought to the operation [...]


Industry Automotive Applications Oil Film Measurement Type Level Description A top marine engine manufacturer commissioned MTI Instruments to design and manufacture a non-contact sensor [...]

  • spindle run-out measurement


Industry Automotive Applications Spindle Run Out Measurement Type Positioning Description Rotating targets frequently have an intermittent, uncertain or nonexistent ground path. This introduces unwanted [...]

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Industry Semiconductor Applications Gaas Substrate Thickness Measurement Measurement Type Thickness Description Measuring Thickness of Wafers with Different Chemistries Introduction: Silicon wafers are ordinarily highly conductive [...]

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Industry Semiconductor Applications Photolithography Using Capacitance Sensors Measurement Type Positioning Description Remember that old acronym, GIGO?  Garbage in garbage out, it can apply to [...]


Industry Consumer Electronics Applications Piezo Stage Measurement Type Positioning Description Positioning stages using piezoelectric stack actuators (PEA) have very high resolution. However, it is [...]


Industry Semiconductor Applications Wafer Measurement – Ungrounded Measurement Type Metrology Description MTI Instruments Inc. has developed a thickness measurement device that eliminates the effect [...]


Industry Semiconductor Applications Photolithography Using Capacitance Sensors Measurement Type Positioning Description One specific area where capacitance systems excel is high resolution focusing of complex [...]

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Industry Automotive Applications Brake Rotors Measurement Type Surface Description Under normal operating conditions brake rotors are subjected to extreme temperatures and forces, which can cause [...]


Industry Consumer Electronics Applications Glass Thickness Measurement Type Thickness Description Did you know that glass thickness can be measured with a capacitance probe? You [...]


Industry Consumer Electronics Applications Height Gap Of Inkjet Printers Measurement Type Positioning Description Introduction:  Inkjet printers require a certain distance between the inkjet print [...]


Power plants, particularly nuclear power plants, require heat exchangers to cool down the primary working fluid for the power plant. Excessive vibration can lead to cracking and premature failure of the heat exchanger. Problem: [...]

Why Disc Geometry Matters In Wafer Production

This is the first of three articles in Semiconductor Wafer Measurement for Increased Profitability. The second article examines the cost of failing to inspect semiconductor wafers. The third article describes the benefits of using [...]

Wafer Stress Analysis Using the 300iSA

Wafer Stress Analysis Using MTI Instruments Proforma 300iSAWafer processing involves several stages that may translate into mechanical alterations. Sometimes these alterations can cause deformities that render the wafer either unusable or that put it marginally [...]

  • Figure 1 CMP

CMP and Capacitance-Based Semiconductor Wafer Measurement

Chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) uses chemical oxidation and mechanical abrasion to selectively remove material from semiconductor wafers in order to achieve very high levels of planarity. The planarity, or flatness, of these wafers is [...]

MEMS and Capacitance-Based Semiconductor Wafer Measurement

MEMS Technology and Capacitance-Based Wafer Measurement Micro-electrical-mechanical systems (MEMS) are tiny devices that house electrical and mechanical components on a single silicon chip or integrated circuit (IC). They integrate mechanical structures with electronics that [...]

  • wafer backgrinding 1

Wafer Backgrinding and Semiconductor Thickness Measurements

Wafer backgrinding is the first step in semiconductor packaging, the process of encasing one or more discrete semiconductor devices or integrated circuits (IC) for protection. Known also as wafer thinning or wafer lapping, backgrinding [...]

Silicon Carbide vs. Silicon in EV Power Electronics

Compare silicon carbide vs. silicon for electric vehicle (EV) power electronics and learn about SiC wafer measurement. As demand for electric vehicles (EVs) continues to grow, manufacturers are comparing two semiconductor technologies, silicon [...]

  • Accumeasure Solutions

Transducer Selection for High Resolution Applications

High resolution applications do not always require an interferometer. If you want to make accurate measurements in the micron to picometer range, then an MTI Digital Accumeasure D100 HD or D200 system may be [...]

Measure Wafer Bow, Warp and TTV with Capacitance

The flatness of silicon wafers used to manufacture integrated circuits is controlled to tight tolerances to help ensure that the whole wafer is sufficiently flat for lithographic processing. To ensure your wafer manufacturing process [...]

  • MTI-2100 Fotonic Sensor

Fiber Optic Sensor Measures Very Small Movements in Piezo Stacks

MTI Instruments, a global supplier of precision measurement solutions, has released an application note that explains how to measure very small movements in piezo devices that convert mechanical energy into electrical energy. Precision measurement [...]

  • backup - Wafer-Manufacturing

Five Common Mistakes with Semiconductor Wafer Measurement

Semiconductor wafer measurement requires a high degree of precision. The right metrology equipment and inspection processes are important, but so is procedural consistency and attention to detail. If you’re not getting the results you [...]

  • Capacitance Probes

Capacitance Probes: Five Things You Need to Know

Capacitance probes are non-contact measurement devices with a capacitance sensor inside a protective shell or housing. They use cables and connectors to integrate with amplifiers and are an important part of capacitance measurement systems. [...]

  • Capacitance Sensors

Capacitance Sensors: Three Things You Need to Know

Capacitance sensors are precision measurement tools for process automation, quality control, and tool automation control. They’re used in a many different industries and are suitable for virtually any application where accuracy is paramount. There’s [...]

  • Typical closed-loop control system

How to Implement a Complete Digital Closed Loop Control System

Co-authored by Don Welch, Director of Engineering and Business Development Cory Bufi, Software Engineer Isaac Abbott,Product Innovation Engineer – PBS Group Request Whitepaper Today’s electronic designs often call for reasonably fast and precise [...]

  • Fiber Optic Sensors

Fiber Optic Sensors Help Stop Subway Shutdown

Fiber optic sensors will help keep commuters moving between Manhattan and Brooklyn this year and beyond. Recently, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announced that New York City’s Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA) would not close [...]

  • Capacitance probe detecting water contamination

Oiling System Uses Capacitive Sensing to Detect Water Contamination

Water contamination can reduce the life of lubricants and increase the frequency of maintenance and repairs. If corrective action isn’t taken before an out-of-limit incident occurs, operational costs can escalate. When unplanned maintenance disrupts operations, [...]

  • TSC-4800A Tachometer Signal Conditioner

TSC-4800A: Tachometer Signal Conditioner System

Programmable tachometer conditioner for engine monitoring and testing systems The state of the art speed resolver/signal conditioning unit capable of working with all types of engine speed signals. Whether you are testing [...]

Measurements Using Capacitive Sensors

Precise Measurements Using Capacitive Sensors Capacitive sensors can be divided into two categories based upon their performance and intended use. High resolution sensors are typically used in displacement and position [...]